Paper Upload

Please note that all accepted papers and posters must submit a full pdf of between 4 and 8 pages. The deadline for this has been extended to November 14th.

To prepare your paper please use the IEEE guidelines shown on this page:

Submission Process

You can submit a full manuscript only by updating the submission you submitted on easy chair as an abstract (as shown below). You may change the title, abstract, and keywords by selecting “Update information.” You may also update authors using the “Update authors” page. Most importantly, you have to submit a manuscript by selecting “Submit a new version” from the right-hand menu of this screen.

easy chair

  • Updating information about your submission: Select “Update information” from the right-hand menu of the Submission screen; correct and fill out the form, and press the “Change Information” button.
  • Updating author information for your submission: Select “Update authors” from the right-hand menu of the Submission screen; correct any information regarding the author(s) and click “save.” In the case of multiple authors, you can add (“Add new author”) or remove authors (Click on “X”); then update the order of the authors by selecting the “Reorder authors” button.
  • Uploading the manuscript: Select “Submit a new version” from the right-hand menu of the Submission screen. Select the file from your computer that you wish to upload. Submit your manuscript by selecting the “Submit a New Version” button.


Oral Presentations 

All speakers should note the following requirements for oral presentations;

  1. Presentations should be in MS PowerPoint or PDF format
  2. Should be compatible with windows operating system
  3. Presentations should be emailed to before November 27th
  4. Please also bring your presentation on a usb key