
We are delighted to be able to offer you a chance to participate in a free workshop as part of the 3DIC conference. The title of the workshop is:

CST Design Challenges Workshop: Packaging, SI/PI analysis and EMC Simulation

Virtual prototyping by electromagnetic (EM) simulation has assumed an increasingly central role in the product design workflow. Challenges across the EM spectrum can be analyzed by EM simulations before physical trials, helping to shorten development cycles and improve product quality.

This workshop will give design and research engineers an insight into efficient workflows for packaging, signal integrity (SI), power integrity analysis (PI) /IR DROP, as well as thermal simulations.

During the workshop, both pre-layout and post layout analysis of a PCB will be discussed including EMC rule checking and packaging. Attendees will also have an opportunity to use the software during the online tutorial section.

To find more information about the workshop and to register please follow the link below:

Please register early as places are limited.

The planned date and time of the workshop is:

Dec 3rd, 13:30-17:30