ERL Technical Reports - 1999

Note: Clicking on the technical report titles below may retrieve a tar file, if not viewable postscript, containing the entire requested package; consequently, to reduce network traffic, abstracts and related files may also be linked separately for several of the reports. Also note that where both a pdf and postscript file exist, the postscript file will generally be more readable.

Also Note: Despite our best efforts, this page is neither up-to-date or complete. Other papers are often available. Please contact the faculty member in charge of the relevant project for a full list of papers and accept our apologies.

Paul D. Franzon

"High frequency loss and electromagnetic field distribution for striplines and microstrips [MCM packages]"
Lo, H.L.; Kauffman, J.F.; Franzon, P.D.
IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging,
Volume: 22 Issue: 1 , Feb. 1999, Page(s): 16 - 25.

"Infrastructure and course progression for complex IC design education"
Franzon, P.D.; Wentai Lui; Gloster, C.; Schaffer, T.; Glaser, A.; Stanaski, A.
IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Systems Education
1999, Page(s): 88 -89

"Improved delay prediction for on-chip buses [high-level synthesis]"
Pomerleau, R.G.; Franzon, P.D.; Bilbro, G.L.
36th Design Automation Conference
1999, Page(s): 497 -501

"Methodology for Design of Electrostatic MEMS Devices Using the SUMMiT Process"
Bruce Duewer, David Winick, John Wilson, Jeremy Palmer,Paul Franzon
Proceedings of the 45th International Instrumentation Symposium.
May 2-6,1999, pp 511-520.

"MEMS-based capacitor arrays for programmable interconnect and RF applications"
Duewer, B.E.; Wilson, J.M.; Winick, D.A.; Franzon, P.D.
Advanced Research in VLSI, 1999. Proceedings. 20th Anniversary Conference on VLSI,Nov 1999


"Chip-package codesign-challenges and directions"
Franzon, P.;
Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference
18-21 Jan. 1999, Pages:13 suppl.


"Panel: parasitic extraction accuracy; how much is enough?"
Franzon, P.; Basel, M.S.;
36th Design Automation Conference
21-25 June 1999, Pages:429 - 429.

Michael B. Steer


"Near-field and far-field prediction of quasi-optical grid arrays,"
T. W. Nuteson, M. B. Steer, S. Nakazawa and J. W. Mink,
IEEE Trans. On Microwave Theory and Technique, vol. 47, January 1999, pp. 6-13. (MAFET)


"State variable-based transient analysis using convolution,"
C. Christoffersen, M. Ozkar, M. B. Steer, M. G. Case and M. Rodwell,
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Techniques, June 1999, pp. 882-889. (MAFET)


"Global modeling of spatially distributed microwave and millimeter-wave systems,"
M. B. Steer, J. F. Harvey, J. W. Mink, M. N. Abdulla, C. E. Christoffersen,
H. M. Gutierrez, P. L. Heron, C. W. Hicks, A. I. Khalil, U. A. Mughal, S. Nakazawa,
T. W. Nuteson, J.Patwardhan, S. G. Skaggs, M. A. Summers, S. Wang, and A. B. Yakovlev, "
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Techniques, June 1999, pp. 830-839. (MURI, MAFET)


"Characterization of spectral regrowth in microwave amplifiers based on the
nonlinear transformation of a complex gaussian process,"
K. Gard, H. Gutierrez and M. B. Steer,
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Techniques,
Vol. 47, July 1999, pp. 1059-1069. (MAFET)


"A generalized scattering matrix method using the method of moments
for the electromagnetic analysis of multi-layered structures in waveguide,"
A. I. Khalil and M. B. Steer
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Techniques,
Vol. 47, November, 1999, pp. 2151-2157. (MURI)


"Implementation of the local reference node concept for spatially distributed circuits,"
C. E. Christoffersen and M. B. Steer,
Int. J. on RF and Microwave Computer Aided Engineering,
Vol. 9, No. 5, September, 1999, pp. 376-384. (MAFET)


"Efficient method of moments formulation for the modeling of planar
conductive layers in a shielded guided-wave structure,"
A. I. Khalil, A. B. Yakovlev, and M. B. Steer,
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Techniques,
Vol. 47, September 1999, pp. 1730-1736 (MURI)


"A full-wave system simulation of a folded-slot spatial power combining amplifier array,"
M. Abdullah, U. A. Mughal, H.-S. Tsai, M B. Steer and R. A. York,
1999 IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Digest. June 1999, pp. 559-562. (MAFET)


"Transient analysis of a spatial power combining amplifier,"
C. E. Christoffersen, S. Nakazawa, M. A. Summers and M. B. Steer,
1999 IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Digest. June 1999, pp. 791-794. (MAFET)


"Efficient MOM-based generalized scattering matrix method for
the integrated circuit and multilayered structures in waveguide"
A. I. Khalil, A. B. Yakovlev, and M. B. Steer,
1999 IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Digest. June 1999.pp. 2374-2377. (MURI)


"Spectral regrowth in microwave amplifiers using transformation of signal statistics,"
H. Gutierrez, K. Gard, and M. B. Steer,
1999 IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Digest. June 1999,pp. 985-988. (MAFET)


"Electromagnetic modeling of a waveguide-based strip-to-slot transition module
for application to spatial power combining systems,"
A. B. Yakovlev, A. I. Khalil, C. W. Hicks and M. B. Steer,
Proc. 1999 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Symp., July 1999, pp. 286-289. (MURI)


"Analysis of shielded CPW spatial power combiners,"
A. I. Khalil, A. B. Yakovlev, and M. B. Steer,
Proc. 1999 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Symp., July 1999, pp. 1828-1831. (MURI)


"Modeling of waveguide-based spatial power combining systems,"
A. I. Khalil, M. Ozkar, A. Mortazawi and M. B. Steer,
Proc. 1999 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Symp., July 1999, pp. 1707-1710. (MURI)


"Network characterization for a finite array of folded-slot antennas for spatial power combining,"
M. N. Abdulla, U.A. Mughal and M. B. Steer,
Proc. 1999 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Symp., July 1999, pp. 2370-2373. (MAFET)


"Strategies for modeling the interaction of device, circuits and fields,"
M. B. Steer, J. W. Mink and J. F. Harvey,
Proc. 1999 URSI General Assembly, August 1999. (MURI)


"An integrated environment for the simulation of electrical, thermal and electromagnetic
interactions in high-performance integrated circuits,"
H. Gutierrez, C. E. Christoffersen and M. B. Steer,
Proc. IEEE 6 th Topical Meeting on Electrical Performance of Electronic Packaging,
Sept. 1999, pp. 217-220. (MAFET).


"Modelling spectral regrowth and the effect of packet size,"
P. J. Rudge, K. Gard, H. Gutierrez, M. B. Steer and R. E. Miles,
4 th IEEE High Frequency Postgraduate Student Colloqium, September 1999. pp.. 68-73.


"Efficient simulation of spectral regrowth using nonlinear transformation of signal statistics"
K. Gard and M. B. Steer,
IEEE Topical Workshop on Power Amplifiers for Wireless Communications, September 1999.

Gianluca Lazzi


"Extension and validation of the equivalent sources helical antenna modeling with the FDTD code"
Lazzi, G.; Yu, Q.S.; Gandhi, O.P.,
Antennas and Propagation Society, 1999. IEEE International
Symposium 1999 , Volume: 2 , 1999 Page(s): 1054 -1057 vol.2


"Experimental and FDTD-computed radiation patterns of cellular
telephones held in slanted operational conditions"
Lazzi, G.; Pattnaik, S.S.; Gandhi, O.P,
Electromagnetic Compatibility, IEEE Transactions on , Volume: 41
Issue: 2 , May 1999 Page(s): 141 -144

Griff L. Bilbro


"Convolution, deconvolution, and mean field annealing suitable for analog VLSI"
Bilbro, G.L.; Hall, L.C.; Clements, M.; Wentai Liu;
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing
[see also IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs]
Volume: 46 , Issue: 2 , Feb. 1999, Pages:120 - 128


"Phase balancing using simulated annealing"
Zhu, J.; Bilbro, G.; Mo-Yuen Chow;
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Volume: 14 , Issue: 4 , Nov. 1999, Pages:1508 - 1513


"Simulation of Thermionic Emission from Aluminum Gallium Nitride Cathodes at Elevated Temperatures"
C. W. Hatfield and G. L. Bilbro,
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, B
Vol 17, No 5, pp 1987-1992, Sep-Oct 1999


Last Modified: Sep. 17, 2004 by Eun Chu Oh.