Paul D. Franzon



Links to my activities as part of the International Roadmap for Devices and Systems (IRDS), formerly International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS). I am the editor of the Emerging Resarch Arhicitectures section of the Emerging Research Devices chpater. This site includes presentations at workshops I ran.

Summer 2016. Workshop on NanoCrossbars

In the 2015 chapter, we identified that nanocrossbar arrays were coming close to being a deployable computing technology for neuromorphic, analog computing, and of memories. We wish to expand upon this section in the 2017 chapter. To that purpose, we are holding a work shop whose goes are as follows:

1. Identify and quantify the state of the art in devices, design, modeling, fabrication, and employment of Nano-enabled Crossbars for computing.

2. Identify the research barriers impeding the use of NanoCrossbars for computing.



Last Modified: July 2016