Paul D. Franzon

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Monteith GRC 443

919.515.7351, fax. 919.515.2285
USPS : ECE, Box 7914, NCSU, Raleigh NC 27695
FedEx : Monteith GRC 342, 2410 Campus Shore Dve., Raleigh NC 27606

My teaching and research focuses on building microsystems and nanosystems. I specialize in the following areas:

  • Interconnect Structures and Circuits. High-density, high-speed and low-power on-chip and intra-chip interconnect circuits and structures. Applications that benefit from high bandwidth interconnect, and SOP design techniques..
  • Application Specific Processors and Microsystems. ASICs and SOCs with an emphasis on novel hardware algorithms and design methodology. By "microsystems" I am referring to the design, and incorporation non-chip technologies, such as MEMS ("micromachiinng").
  • Nanocomputing. Concepts for computation beyond the end of CMOS scaling. Includes devices, interconnect structures and circuit/architecture concepts.

I am director of the Analog Alliance and the Microelectronics Systems Laboratory (MSL). I also direct the NCSU Cadence Design Kit, and codirect our Spice to IBIS activity. I am also Associate Editor ofthe IEEE Transactions on Advanced Packaging, Associate Editor of the ACM Journal of Emerging Technologies for Compuiting, Member of EPEP Technical Program Committee, Member of Technical Program Committee of several one-off or short sequence workshops and conferences

My personal interest include flying (power and glider), Horse Riding, Cycling, White Water Kayaking, occasional skier and diver. I am a former infantry officer and maintain a contiuing interest in military affairs and history.



Last Modified: October 2005