ERL Technical Reports - 1990

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Also Note: Despite our best efforts, this page is neither up-to-date or complete. Other papers are often available. Please contact the faculty member in charge of the relevant project for a full list of papers and accept our apologies.


Table-based modeling of delta-sigma modulators using ZSIM,
G. T. Brauns, R. J. Bishop, M. B. Steer, S. H. Ardalan and J. J. Paulos,
IEEE Trans. Computer Aided Design, February 1990, pp. 142-150.


Enhanced through-reflect-line characterization of two-port measuring
systems using free-space capacitance calculation,
J. Kasten, M. B. Steer and R. Pomerleau,
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Techniques, February 1990, pp. 215-217.


Enhanced through-reflect-line characterization of two-port measuring
systems using free-space capacitance calculation,
R. J. Bishop, J. J. Paulos, M. B. Steer and S. H. Ardalan,
IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems, March 1990, pp. 447-451.


Jacobian calculation using the multidimensional fast Fourier transform in the harmonic
balance analysis of nonlinear microwave circuits,
P. L. Heron, and M. B. Steer,
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Techniques, April 1990, pp. 429-431.


Dielectric characterization of printed circuit board substrates,
H. Riedell, M. B. Steer, M.R. Kay, J.S. Kasten, M. S. Basel, and R. Pomerleau ,
IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement, April 1990, pp. 437-440.


Harmonic balance and frequency domain simulation of nonlinear
microwave circuits using the block Newton method,
C.R. Chang, P. L. Heron and M. B. Steer ,
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Techniques, April 1990, pp. 431-434.


Frequency domain bivariate generalized power series analysis of nonlinear analog circuits,
P. J. Lunsford, G. W. Rhyne and M. B. Steer,
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Techniques, June 1990, pp. 815-818.


Frequency domain nonlinear microwave circuit simulation using the arithmetic operator method,
C. R. Chang and M. B. Steer,
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Techniques, August 1990, pp. 1139-1143.


Extraction of the parameters of equivalent circuits of microwave transistors using tree annealing,
G. L. Bilbro, M. B. Steer, R. J. Trew, C. R. Chang and S. G. Skaggs,
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Techniques, Vol. 38, November 1990, pp. 1711-1718.


"CAD tools for the automated design of high speed multi-chip modules,"
P. Franzon and M. B. Steer ,
Proc. 1990 VLSI Educators Conf.


" CAD Tools for the automated design of high speed multichip modules,"
P. Franzon, M. B. Steer, S. Elassaad, M. S. Basel, H. A. Deshmane, L-T Hwang, I. Turlik, and D. Winkelstein,
Proc. Int.l Electronic Packaging Conf., September 1990, pp. 864-583.


Last Modified On: May 21 14:37:06 EDT 2001 Last Modified By: Ravi Raina