ERL Technical Reports - 1989

Note: Clicking on the technical report titles below may retrieve a tar file, if not viewable postscript, containing the entire requested package; consequently, to reduce network traffic, abstracts and related files may also be linked separately for several of the reports. Also note that where both a pdf and postscript file exist, the postscript file will generally be more readable.

Also Note: Despite our best efforts, this page is neither up-to-date or complete. Other papers are often available. Please contact the faculty member in charge of the relevant project for a full list of papers and accept our apologies.


Comments on 'Simulation of nonlinear circuits in the frequency domain',
G. W. Rhyne and M. B. Steer,
IEEE Trans. on Computer Aided Design, August 1989, pp. 927-929.


Frequency domain spectral balance using the arithmetic operator method,
C. R. Chang, M. B. Steer and G. W. Rhyne,
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Techniques, November 1989, pp. 1681-1688.


"Dielectric characterization of printed circuit substrates,"
H. Riedell, R. Pomerleau, M. B. Steer and M. S. Basel,
SOUTHEASTCON'89 Convention Digest, April 1989.


"Macromodels of digital devices for high speed digital circuit simulation,"
C. Barfield, R. Pomerleau and M. B. Steer,
SOUTHEASTCON'89 Convention Digest, April 1989.


"Emperical statistical modeling of planar transmission line
structures accounting for manufacturing variations,"
M. Kay, R. Pomerleau and M. B. Steer,
SOUTHEASTCON'89 Convention Digest, April 1989.


"Microstrip discontinuity modeling,"
G. Stewart, R. Pomerleau and M. B. Steer,
SOUTHEASTCON'89 Convention Digest, April 1989.


"Transient simulation of complex, lossy, multi-port transmission line networks with
non-linear digital device termination using a commercially available circuit simulator,"
D. Winkelstein, R. Pomerleau and M. B. Steer,
SOUTHEASTCON'89 Convention Digest, April 1989.


"Control of aliasing in harmonic balance analysis of nonlinear circuits,"
P. L. Heron, C.R. Chang and M. B. Steer,
1989 IEEE MTT-S Int. Microwave Symp. Digest, June 1989.


"Parameter extraction of microwave transistors using tree annealing,"
M. B. Steer, G. L. Bilbro, R. J. Trew and S. G. Skaggs,
1989 IEEE/Cornell Conf. Digest, pp. 195-200, August 1989


Last Modified On: May 21 14:37:06 EDT 2001 Last Modified By: Ravi Raina