International 3D System Integration Conference
January 31-February 2, 2012, Osaka
3DIC 2011
The IEEE International 3D System Integration Conference (3DIC) will be held at the "Senri Life-Science center" Osaka on January 31-February 2, 2012.
This conference combines the previous ASET and IEEE EDS Society sponsored International 3D System Integration Conference, held in Tokyo in 2007 & 2008 and the Fraunhofer and IEEE CPMT sponsored International 3D System Integration Workshop held in 2003 & 2007 in Munich. After the first combined conference in San Francisco 2009, the 2nd IEEE 3D System Integration Conference was held in Munich in 2010. The 3rd conference will be held in Osaka in 2011, rotate to San Francisco in 2012 and then rotate back to Munich in 2013.
3DIC 2011 will cover all 3D integration topics, including 3D process technology, materials, equipment, circuits technology, design and test methodology and applications. The conference invites authors and attendees to submit and interact with 3D researchers from all around the world. Papers are solicited in subject topics, including, but not limited to, the following:
3D Integration Technology. Through Silicon Vias (TSV), wafer thinning, wafer alignment, wafer bonding, wafer dicing, 3D IC process, monolithic 3D integration, heterogeneous 3D integration (e.g. for MEMS, NEMS), capacitive coupling, inductive coupling, multilevel epitaxial growth, etc.
3D IC Circuits Technology. 3D SOC, 3D Memory, 3D Processor, 3D DSP, 3D FPGA, 3D RF and microwave/millimeter wave, 3D analog circuits, 3D biomedical circuits etc.
3D Applications. Imaging, memory, processors, communications, networking, wireless, biomedical, MEMS/NEMS etc.
3D Design and Test Methodology. 3D CAD, 3D synthesis, 3D design flows, Signal and power integrity analysis and design in 3D, 3D thermal design and analysis, test and design for test; 3D mechanical stress and reliability design and analysis, etc.
Presentation abstracts and proposals for panels and tutorials should be submitted on the conference web site: www.3dic-conf.org. Deadline for papers and proposals is September 30, 2011. Abstracts are to be one-page text with one-page of figures and drawings. Accepted papers will be due December 2nd, 2011.
Email Subscription
To receive future notices about this meeting, please send an email to subscribe@3dic-conf-tokyo.org. The content of the email should be subscribe 3dic-conf email where "email" is your email address.
Sponsoring Organizations
ASET (Associate of Super Advanced Electronics Technologies, Japan)
Sponsoring Institutions
Fraunhofer EMFT Munich (formerly IZM-M), IMEC
Tohoku Univ, North Carolina State University
2011 Conference Co-Chairs
Mitsumasa Koyanagi (Tohoku Univ) koyanagi@bmi.niche.tohoku.ac.jp
Morihiro Kada (ASET) kada@aset.tokyoinfo.or.jp
Organizing Committee
Asia: Co-Chairs: M. Koyanagi (Tohoku Univ), M. Kada (ASET)
USA: P. Franzon (NCSU), P. Garrou (MCNC)
Europe: P. Ramm (Fraunhofer EMFT Munich), E. Beyne (IMEC)
3DIC 2011 Program Committee (to be updated)
Mitsumasa Koyanagi (Tohoku Univ) koyanagi@bmi.niche.tohoku.ac.jp
Morihiro Kada (ASET) kada@aset.tokyoinfo.or.jp
Tetsu Tanaka (Tohoku Univ) ttanaka@lbc.mech.tohoku.ac.jp
Makoto Takamiya (The University of Tokyo) mtaka@iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Kanji Otsuka (Meisei Univ) otsuka@ei.meisei-u.ac.jp
Masahiro Aoyagi (AIST) m-aoyagi@aist.go.jp
Hirofumi Kobayashi (ASET) kobayashi@aset.tokyoinfo.or.jp
Kenichi Takeda(Hitachi) kenichi.takeda.hm@hitachi.com
Fumihiko Nakazawa(Fujitsu) nakazawa.fumihi@jp.fujitsu.com
Makoto Motoyoshi (ZyCube) makoto.motoyoshi@zy-cube.com
Fumiaki Yamada (IBM/J) yamada@jp.ibm.com
Yasumitsu Orii(IBM/J) ORII@jp.ibm.com
Hiroaki Ikeda(Elpida) h.ikeda.vw@elpida.com
Kenich Osada(Hitach) kenich.osada.aj@hitachi.com
Tae-Je Cho (Samsung) taeje.cho@samsung.com
Wei-Chung Lo (ITRI) lo@itri.org.tw
KKuan-Neng Chen(Chiao Tung Univ) knchen@mail.nctu.edu.tw
Doug Yu (TSMC) chyu@tsmc.com
Paul Franzon (NCSU) paulf@ncsu.edu
Phil Garrou (MCNC) philgarrou@att.net
James Lu (RPI) luj@rpi.edu
Sachin Sapatnekar (UMN) sachin@umn.edu
Dan Radack (IDA) dradick@ida.org
Craig Keast (MIT-LL) keast@ll.mit.edu
Jeff Burns (IBM) jlburns@us.ibm.com
Len Schaper (U.Arkansas) schaper@uark.edu
Sung Kyu Lim (Ga Tech) limsk@ece.gatech.edu
Paul Enquist (Ziptronix) p.enquist@ziptronix.com
Bob Patti (Tezzaron) rpatti@tezzaron.com
Pat Morrow (Intel) patrick.morrow@intel.com
Yuan Xie (PSU) yuanxie@cse.psu.edu
Rakesh Patel (Altera) rakeshp@pacbell.net
Larry Smith (Sematech) larry.smith@sematech.org
Rhett Davis (NCSU) wdavis@ncsu.edu
Eren Kursun (IBM) ekursun@us.ibm.com
Riko Radojcic (Qualcomm) rikor@qualcomm.com
Peter Ramm (Fraunhofer EMFT) peter.ramm@emft.fraunhofer.de
Eric Beyne (IMEC) eric.beyne@imec.be
Fred Roozeboom (TU Eindhoven), f.roozeboom@tue.nl
Ahmed Jerraya (CEA-LETI) ahmed.jerraya@cea.fr
Nicolas Sillon (CEA-LETI) nicolas.sillon@cea.fr
Klaus Pressel (Infineon Regensburg) klaus.pressel@infineon.com
Ric van Doremalen (Philips Eindhoven) Ric.van.Doremalen@philips.com
Maaike Taklo (SINTEF Oslo) MaaikeMargrete.VisserTaklo@SINTEF.no
Benedetto Vigna (STM Milano) benedetto.vigna@st.com
Rolf Aschenbrenner (Fraunhofer IZM Berlin) aschenbr@izm.fraunhofer.de
Pol Marchal (IMEC) pol.marchal@imec.be
Harry Hedler (Siemens) harry.hedler@siemens.com
Markku Aberg (VTT) markku.aberg@vtt.fi
Adriana Lapadatu (Sensonor) adriana.lapadatu@sensonor.no
Alan Mathewson (Tyndall Institute Cork) alan.mathewson@tyndall.ie
Cristina Torregiani (Qualcomm) cristina.torregiani@qualcomm.com