ERL Technical Reports - 1987

Note: Clicking on the technical report titles below may retrieve a tar file, if not viewable postscript, containing the entire requested package; consequently, to reduce network traffic, abstracts and related files may also be linked separately for several of the reports. Also note that where both a pdf and postscript file exist, the postscript file will generally be more readable.

Also Note: Despite our best efforts, this page is neither up-to-date or complete. Other papers are often available. Please contact the faculty member in charge of the relevant project for a full list of papers and accept our apologies.


Millimeter-wave performance of state-of-the-art MESFET, MODFET and PBT transistors,
R. J. Trew and M. B. Steer,
Electronics Letters, 12th February 1987, pp. 149-151.


Generalized power series analysis of intermodulation distortion in
a MESFET amplifier: simulation and experiment,
G.W. Rhyne and M. B. Steer,
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Techniques, December 1987, pp. 1248-1255.


"Improved signal-to-noise ratio using tri-level delta-sigma modulation,"
J. Paulos, G. Brauns, M. B. Steer and S. Ardalan ,
IEEE Int. Symp. on Circuits and Systems,
1987, pp. 463-466.


"Comparison of the gain and frequency performance of state-of-the-art MESFET,
MODFET and PBT millimeter-wave transistors,"
M. B. Steer and R. J. Trew,
IEEE Int. Symp. on Circuits and Systems,
1987, pp. 19-22.


"Generalized power series analysis of intermodulation distortion
in a MESFET amplifier: simulation and experiment,"
G. W. Rhyne and M. B. Steer,
Proc. 1987 IEEE MTT-S Int.
Microwave Symp. Digest, June 1987, pp. 115-118.


"Analysis of nonlinear circuits driven by multi-tone signals
using generalized power series analysis,"
G. W. Rhyne, M. B. Steer and B. D. Bates,
IEEE Int. Symp. on Circuits and Systems,
1987, pp. 903-906.


"ZSIM: A nonlinear z-domain simulator for delta-sigma modulators"
G. Brauns, M. B. Steer, S. Ardalan and J. Paulos,
1987 IEEE Int. Conf. on Computer Aided Design,
November 1987, pp. 538-541.


Last Modified On: May 21 14:37:06 EDT 2001 Last Modified By: Ravi Raina