Version 1.0
November 24, 1993
Prepared by W. Hobbs, A. Muranyi R. Rosenbaum and D. Telian
Intel Corporation
IBIS (Input/Output Buffer Information Specification) is an emerging standard for electronic behavioral specification of integrated circuit (IC) input/output (I/O) analog characteristics. IBIS specifies a consistent software-parsable format for essential behavioral information. With IBIS, simulation tool vendors can accurately model compatible buffers. The goal of IBIS is to support all simulators of all degrees of sophisitication.
Advantages of IBIS
IBIS provides advantages over previous I/O buffer model development methodologies in information protection, performance, accuracy, time to market, and industry compatibility.
Previous methodologies used the actual circuit designs and revealed detailed, sensitive information about both the buffer design and the underlying fabrication processes. IBIS relies on tabulated voltage versus current (V/I) characteristics, timing characteristics, and package information, thus protecting vendor intellectual property. This approach is designed to provide models that reveal no proprietary information about the design or process technology.
Performance and Accuracy
The behavioral IBIS simulations run much faster than any corresponding structural (e.g., silicon) models. Speed-ups of 25X are common. No accuracy is sacrificed, since the V/I methodology takes into account many non-linear aspects of the I/O design, such as package parasitics and forward-biased ESD protection diode effects.
Time to Market and Industry Compatibility
As market pressures shorten the design cycle, the design engineers need earlier availability of the models. At the same time, faster system designs result in more complex and less forgiving design issues. The IBIS modeling data can be derived from circuit simulation or measured on a curve tracer or oscilloscope. By using such data sources, semiconductor vendors can provide accurate I/O buffer models with or before the first component availability. In addition, any model created using IBIS format is compatible with virtually all industry-wide simulation platforms.
History and Contact Information
IBIS was first developed at Intel Corporation and has been expanded to its current form through the cooperative efforts of twenty additional analog simulator vendors, computer manufacturers and IC vendors. The first revision of IBIS_ASCII Standard has been ratified by these companies:
Cadence Design Systems Intel Corporation Mentor Graphics Corporation
Quantic Laboratories HyperLynx Contec Microelectronics U.S.A. Inc.
MicroSim Corporation Meta-Software North Carolina State University
Integrity Engineering IntuSoft Quad Design Technology
Interconnectix, Inc. Anacad Logic Modeling Corporation
Zeelan Technology, Inc. AnSoft Corporation Performance Signal Integrity
IBIS information is available on-line via Internet email, anonymous ftp, and a number of BBS including CompuServe:
Use either anonymous login or anonymous ftp (with no password) on the VHDL International BBS, (408)945-4170. Documentation resides in vhdl.org in the pub/ibis directory.
To get on the IBIS Forum email list, send a request to ibis-request@vhdl.org.
For copies of past mailings and other files, send a request to archive@vhdl.org. You can get a list of available documentation by sending such a request with a blank subject line and the following line in the message body:
path <your_email_address>
For more information, contact Jon Powell at Quad Design at (805) 988-8250 or jonp@qdt.com.
Developing IBIS Capability
A variety of resources are available for developing IBIS compatible models and for verifying your model construction and syntax against IBIS.
Golden Parser for Developing and Checking Model Generators
Version 1.1 of the IBIS Golden Parser (ibis_chk) is available for checking model syntax against IBIS. This parser is also used by IBIS forum member companies to create simulator-specific IBIS data model generators. The behavior of model generators based on the Golden Parser varies insignificantly between simulators.
The Golden Parser is freely available in object code format for several platforms. Send email to ibis-request@vhdl.org.
You can also license the Golden Parser source code from the IBIS Forum. Contact Will Hobbs of Intel Corporation at (503) 696-4369, fax (503) 696-4210, e-mail hobbswil@ccm.hf.intel.com.
Technical Basis of IBIS
For simulating I/O interconnects, participating IC vendors offer detailed descriptions of their drivers and receivers, organized into machine-parsable ASCII files. Each such file provides the information needed to model all the buffers for a component.
At the end of this document are a portion of a sample IBIS file and a copy of the IBIS V1.1 Specification which contains explanations of all the formating, fields, and keywords.
A customer or IC vendor can put data into an IBIS file to be used as input for a broad range of simulation packages. Such simulation packages can interpret the IBIS data either directly or using a translator from an EDA vendor. In other formats, the same data can be used under SPICE packages for behavioral elements such as voltage-controlled current sources to model the pull-up, pull-down, and clamp characteristics of a given buffer.
Figure 1 shows the basic five elements that must be included for IBIS modeling of an I/O structure. Figure 2 shows an example block diagram for an IBIS behavioral model.
Figure 1: Elements of an IBIS Model
Figure 2: IBIS Behavioral Block Diagram
For hardcopy presentation, a format has been developed that is easier to read than the machine-parsable ASCII format. A page of such tabulated IBIS data is called an information sheet. Figure 3 shows the location of the data for each element on an example information sheet.
Figure 3: Example I/O Buffer Model Information Sheet
The tabular elements of the information sheet correspond to the keywords in the ASCII format specification:
Element 1 contains the Pulldown information, including the minimum and maximum currents for the given voltages of the pull-down. The table lists voltages from -5V to 10V (-VCC to 2VCC). The adjacent graph shows the active region (in this case, 0V to 5V) characteristics.
These currents are provided to improve the accuracy of certain simulators. Many simulations benefit from including these characteristics in the model. For simulators that do not extrapolate unspecified voltages, the ranges given are more than adequate.
Element 2 contains the Pullup information, modeling the characteristics of the buffer when driven high.
Element 3, titled "beyond the rail", contains the GND_clamp and POWER_clamp information. Diode data, when present, appear in this table. Since some technologies do not include diodes to VCC, this column can be empty.
The GND_clamp and POWER_clamp diode characteristics are meant to be modeled in parallel with the driver information in elements 1 and 2 (Pulldown and Pullup), ensuring the diode characteristics are present even when the output buffer is in tri-state (off). The currents listed in the table can be extremely large and are provided only to allow simulators to construct the proper diode curve.
Element 5 contains the ramp time for the pull-up and pull-down structures, identified in the specification with the Ramp keyword. This information ensures the correct AC operation of the model.
The "min" column represents the longest rise/fall times and the "max" column represents the shortest times. These values often appear very small because they are intrinsic values for the transistors with all packaging and external loads removed. The packaging characteristics are added outside the transistor model (see element #4). Important: See note under the description of Element 4.
Element 4 contains the component and packaging characteristics, identified in the specification with the Package keyword. C_comp is the inherent capacitance of the silicon portion of the model (the die, not the package). The package is modeled by the parameters R-L-C_pkg, schematically organized as shown in Figure 1. The table on the information sheets supplies the range (minimum to maximum) for each parameter.
With the information sheet data, interconnect engineers can model the device characteristics for both fast and slow corners. The slow model is useful to determine flight times. The fast model is useful to investigate overshoot, undershoot and crosstalk. Create a slow model by combining the minimum currents (I_ol and I_oh) with the maximum ramp time and the maximum package characteristics. Create a fast model with the largest currents, the fastest ramp, and the minimum package info.
Note: There have been inconsistencies between different IBIS spreadsheets with regard to the way that ramp rates have been treated. If you are using data from an IBIS spreadsheet, make sure that you select the slowest ramp rate (the smallest dV/dT, or the longest ramp time for a given voltage excursion) for use with a slow model and conversely for a fast model. The correct ramp data column will have to be selected by a visual inspection of the data rather than by simply choosing the data in the "max" or "min" columns. Some early IBIS sheets, including the one shown in Figure 4, have interpreted the meaning of min and max in a way that is inconsistent with the IBIS Version 1.1 Specification, which treats "min" as slow. If you are using data from a model file created in conformance to the ASCII IBIS V1.1 Specification, the "min" [Ramp] column for dV/dT_r or ddV/dT_f contains the slow ramp rate data and can be used to generate slow models.
The minimum and maximum data include both temperature and process variations. Voltage variation is normally adjustable within simulation tools, or you can approximate such variation by shifting the V/I data up or down by the desired voltage tolerance.
Input models do not include elements 1, 2, and 4, since no outputs are present. Consequently, the information for inputs normally includes V/I curves for the diodes only, and no ramp times.
Developing IBIS Capability
The following pages describe three circuits software vendors can use to verify their IBIS capability. When a simulator vendor can use IBIS data to create I/O models and correctly simulate all three circuit configurations, that vendor is IBIS capable. Such capability will be announced in advertising and product literature.
To confirm IBIS capability:
1. Use the IBIS data in Figure 4 to create a PCI_OUT driver model and the IBIS data in Figure 5 to create a PCI_IN receiver model.
2. Simulate the IBIS models under the three circuit configurations described in this section.
3. Compare the results against the specifications and diagrams shown in this section.
Figure 4: PCI_OUT Information Sheet
Figure 5: PCI_IN Information Sheet
Configuration #1
The Configuration #1 circuit is shown in Figure 6. The relevant waveforms are shown in Figures 7 and 8.
Load Type: simple capacitive load
Circuit Description: PCI_OUT driver connected to 50 pF capacitor
Simulation: VCC=5 V, slow buffer, 60 ns period
Waveforms: 1A: 20 ns blow-up of rising edge
1B: 15 ns blow-up of falling edge
Plot only the output waveform.
Figure 6: Circuit for Configuration #1
Figure 7: Waveform 1A
Figure 8: Waveform 1B
Configuration #2
The Configuration #2 circuit is shown in Figure 9. The relevant waveforms are shown in Figures 10 and 11.
Load Type: simple transmission line load
Circuit Description: PCI_OUT driver connected to PCI_IN reciever
Simulation: VCC = 5 V, fast driver, worst-case receiver, 100 ns period
Transmission Line: Delay = 1.5 ns, Impedance = 65 Ohms, simple Tline is fine
Waveforms: 2A: 20 ns blow-up of rising edge
2B: 20 ns blow-up of falling edge
Plot the PCI_OUT output and PCI_IN input (both ends of Tline).
Figure 9: Circuit for Configuration #2
Figure 10: Waveform 2A
Figure 11: Waveform 2B
Configuration #3
As an additional example, the Configuration #3 circuit is shown in Figure 12. Your IBIS software should be able to handle a circuit of this complexity. Derivation of the relevant waveforms is left as an exercise for the developer.
Load Type: PCI Speedway, geometric transmission lines
Circuit Description: PCI_OUT driver connected to nine PCI_IN recievers
Simulation: worst-case driver, worst-case receiver, 60 nS period
Transmission Line: Geometric, 6 mil wide, 16 mil or 20 mil to ground plane
Waveforms: 3A: 20 nS blow-up of rising edge, VCC = 4.75 V
3B: 20 nS blow-up of falling edge, VCC = 5.25 V
Both plots must show nodes A, B, load2, and load10.
PCB trace (transmission line) segments are:
1 inch long for horizontal segments and 1.5 inches long for vertical segments
50 ohms characteristic impedance
1.8 nS per foot
The dielectric constant is 4.7. Both drivers are PCI_OUT and all receivers are PCI_IN. At all layer changes, you must include 0.5 pF via capacitance.
Figure 9: Circuit for Configuration #3
Portion of a Sample .ibs File
|*********************************************************************** |
[IBIS Ver] 1.1
[File name] pcmc.ibs
[File Rev] 2.0
[Date] 6/15/93
[Source] File originated at Intel Corporation.
[Notes] The following information corresponds to the A-1
| stepping of the 82434LX.
[Disclaimer] This information is for modeling purposes only
| and is not guaranteed.
|*********************************************************************** |
[Component] 82434LX
[Manufacturer] Intel
| typ min max
R_pkg 252m 227m 277m
L_pkg 29.75nH 26.75nH 32.75nH
C_pkg 1.28pF 1.21pF 1.36pF
|*********************************************************************** |
[Pin] signal_name model_name R_pin L_pin C_pin
2 A28 PC040422
3 A24 PC040422
......... data deleted for clarity ...............
......... ..................
[Model] PC040422
Model_type I/O
Polarity Non-Inverting
Enable Active-Low
| Signals A[0-31]
| typ min max
C_comp 5.22pF 2.79pF 7.64pF
|*********************************************************************** |
| typ min max
[Voltage range] 5.0V 4.75V 5.25V
|*********************************************************************** |
| Voltage I(typ) I(min) I(max)
-5.00V -46.21mA -35.79mA -59.83mA
-4.50V -45.84mA -35.48mA -59.37mA
......... ..................
4.90V 46.14mA 35.73mA 59.74mA
5.00V 46.21mA 35.79mA 59.83mA
10.00V 49.95mA 38.87mA 64.35mA
| Voltage I(typ) I(min) I(max)
-5.00V -1.15A NA NA
-1.10V -98.50mA NA NA
-1.00V -71.50mA NA NA
-900.00mV -46.00mA NA NA
......... ..................
0.00V 0.00pA NA NA
5.00V 0.00pA NA NA
| Voltage I(typ) I(min) I(max)
-5.00V 45.06mA 33.33mA 62.10mA
-4.50V 44.32mA 32.75mA 61.13mA
......... ..................
4.90V -44.91mA -33.21mA -61.90mA
5.00V -45.06mA -33.33mA -62.10mA
10.00V -52.50mA -40.76mA -69.53mA
| Voltage I(typ) I(min) I(max)
-5.00V 442.60mA NA NA
-1.10V 48.70mA NA NA
-1.00V 38.60mA NA NA
-900.00mV 28.50mA NA NA
......... ..................
-100.00mV 20.00uA NA NA
0.00V 0.00pA NA NA
|*********************************************************************** |
| typ min max
dV/dt_r 1.22/1.22n 0.96/1.51n 1.54/864p
dV/dt_f 1.33/1.20n 1.07/1.55n 1.64/810p
|*********************************************************************** |
IBIS I/O Buffer Information Specification, Revision 1.1
| Statement of Intent: |
| |
| In order to enable an industry standard method to electronically transport |
| IBIS Modeling Data between silicon vendors, simulation software vendors, and |
| end customers, this template is proposed. The intention of this template is |
| to specify a consistent format that can be parsed by software, allowing each |
| simulation vendor to derive models compatible with their own product. |
| |
| One goal of this template is to represent the current state of IBIS data, |
| while allowing a growth path to more complex models / methods (when deemed |
| appropriate). This would be accomplished by a revision of the base |
| template, and possibly the addition of new keywords or categories. |
| |
| Another goal of this template is to ensure that it is simple enough for |
| silicon vendors and customers to use and modify, while ensuring that it is |
| rigid enough for software simulation vendors to write reliable parsers. |
| |
| Finally, this template is meant to contain a complete description of the I/O |
| elements on an entire component. Consequently, several models will need to |
| be defined in each file, as well as a table that equates the appropriate |
| buffer to the correct pin and signal name. |
| |
| Version 1.1 of this electronic template was finalized by an industry-wide |
| group of simulation experts representing various companies and interests. |
| "IBIS Open Forum" meetings were held biweekly to accomplish this task. |
| |
| Commitment to Backward Compatibility. Version 1.0 is the first valid IBIS |
| ASCII file format. It represents the minimum amount of I/O buffer |
| information required to create an accurate IBIS model of common CMOS and |
| bipolar I/O structures. Future revisions of the ASCII file will add items |
| considered to be "enhancements" to Version 1.0 to allow accurate modeling |
| of new, or other, I/O buffer structures. Consequently, all future |
| revisions will be considered super sets of Version 1.0, allowing backward |
| compatibility. In addition, as modeling platforms develop support for |
| revisions of the IBIS ASCII template, all previous revisions of the |
| template must also be supported. |
| |
| Version 1.1 update. The file "ver1_1.ibs" is conceptually the same as |
| the 1.0 version of the IBIS ASCII format (ver1_0.ibs). However, various |
| comments have been added for further clarification. |
| |
| |
| General syntax rules and guidelines: |
| |
| 1) The content of the IBIS_ASCII file is case sensitive, except for file |
| names, reserved words and keywords. Reserved words and keywords are not |
| case sensitive, and file names must be all lower case. |
| |
| 2) The following words are reserved words and must not be used for |
| any other purposes in the document: |
| POWER - reserved model name, used with power supply pins, |
| GND - reserved model name, used with ground pins, |
| NC - reserved model name, used with no connect pins, |
| NA - used where data not available. |
| |
| 3) File names used in the IBIS_ASCII file must only have lower case |
| characters to enhance UNIX compatibility and must conform to DOS rules. |
| (The length of a file name should not exceed eight plus three characters |
| and it must not contain special characters which are illegal in DOS). || |
| 4) The IBIS_ASCII file must have no more than 80 characters per line. |
| |
| 5) Anything following the comment character is ignored and considered a |
| comment on that line. The default "|" (pipe) character can be changed by |
| the keyword [Comment char] to any other character. The [Comment char] |
| keyword can be used throughout the file as desired. |
| |
| 6) Keywords must be enclosed in square brackets, [], and must start in |
| column 1 of the line. |
| |
| 7) Valid scaling factors are: |
| M = mega, k = kilo, m = milli, u = micro, n = nano, p = pico. |
| When no scaling factors are specified, the appropriate base units are |
| assumed. (These are Volts, Amperes, Ohms, Farads and Henries). The parser |
| will look at only one alphabetic character after a numerical entry, |
| therefore it is enough to use only the prefixes to scale the parameters. |
| However, for clarity, it is allowed to use full abbreviations for the |
| units. (e.g., pF, nH, mA, mOhm). In addition, scientific notation IS |
| allowed (e.g., 1.2345e-12). |
| |
| 8) The V/I data tables should use enough data points around sharply curved |
| areas of the V/I curves to describe the curvature accurately. In linear |
| regions there is no need to define unnecessary data points. |
| |
| 9) Currents are considered positive when their direction is into the |
| component. |
| |
| Keyword: [IBIS Ver] |
| Required: Yes |
| Description: Used to specify the IBIS ASCII template version. This will be |
| used to inform an electronic parser of the kinds of data types |
| that will be present in the file. |
| Usage Rules: [IBIS Ver] must be the first keyword in any IBIS file. It is |
| normally on the first line of the file, but can be preceded |
| by comment lines (that must begin with a "|"). |
[IBIS Ver] 1.1 | Used for template variations
| Keyword: [Comment char] |
| Required: Optional |
| Description: Used to define a new comment character to replace the default |
| "|" (pipe), if desired. |
| Usage Rules: The new comment character which is to be defined must be |
| followed by the underscore character and the letters "char". |
| For example: "|_char" redundantly redefines the comment |
| character to be the pipe character. The new comment character |
| will be in effect only following the [Comment char] keyword. |
| The following characters can NOT be used: A B C D E F G H I J |
| K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o |
| p q r s t u v w x y z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 [ ] . _ / = |
| Other Notes: The [Comment char] keyword can be used throughout the file, as |
| desired. |
[Comment char] |_char
| Keyword: [File name] |
| Required: Yes |
| Description: Used to specify the name of the IBIS file, "filename.ibs". |
| Usage Rules: The file name must comply with normal DOS rules (8 char. max. |
| and no characters that are illegal in DOS). In addition, it |
| must be all lower case, and use the extension ".ibs". |
[File name] ver1_1.ibs
| Keyword: [File Rev] |
| Required: Yes |
| Description: Used to track the revision level of a particular .ibs file. |
| Usage Rules: Revision level can be set at the discretion of the engineer |
| defining the file. The following guidelines are recommended: |
| 0.x silicon and file in development |
| 1.x pre-silicon file data from silicon model only |
| 2.x file correlated to actual silicon measurements |
| 3.x mature product, no more changes likely |
[File Rev] 1.0 | Used for .ibs file variations
| Keywords: [Date] [Source] [Notes] [Disclaimer] |
| Required: Optional |
| Description: Optionally used for further file clarifications. |
| Usage Rules: The [Date] information is allowed to contain blanks, and be of |
| any format up to 40 characters. |
[Date] 04/19/93 | Latest file revision date
[Source] Put originator and source of information here. For example:
From silicon level SPICE model at Intel,
From lab measurement at IEI,
Compiled from manufacturer's data book at Quad Design, etc...
[Notes] This section can be used for any special notes related
to the file.
[Disclaimer] This information is for modeling purposes only, and
is not guaranteed. | May vary by component
| Keyword: [Component] |
| Required: Yes |
| Description: Used to mark the beginning of the IBIS description of the |
| integrated circuit named after the keyword. |
| Usage Rules: If the .ibs file contains data for more than one component, |
| each section must begin with a new [Component] keyword. The |
| length of the Component Name must not exceed 40 characters, |
| and blank characters are allowed. |
[Component] Component Name
| Keyword: [Manufacturer] |
| Required: Yes |
| Description: Used to clarify the component's manufacturer. |
| Usage Rules: The length of the Manufacturer's Name must not exceed 40 |
| characters (blank characters are allowed, e.g., Texas |
| Instruments). In addition, each manufacturer must use a |
| consistent name in all .ibs files. |
[Manufacturer] Manufacturer's Name | e.g., Intel
| Keyword: [Package] |
| Required: Yes |
| Description: Used to define a range of values for the default packaging |
| resistance, inductance, and capacitance of the component pins. |
| Sub-Params: R_pkg, L_pkg, C_pkg |
| Usage Rules: Typical column must be specified. If data for the other |
| columns are not available, they must be noted with "NA". |
| Other Notes: If RLC parameters are available for individual pins, they can |
| be listed in columns 4-6 under keyword [Pin]. The values |
| listed in the [Pin] description section override the default |
| values defined here. |
| variable typ min max
R_pkg 250.0m 225.0m 275.0m
L_pkg 15.0nH 12.0nH 18.0nH
C_pkg 18.0pF 15.0pF 20.0pF
| Keyword: [Pin] |
| Required: Yes |
| Description: Used to associate the component's I/O models to its various |
| external pins and signal names. |
| Sub-Params: signal_name, model_name, R_pin, L_pin, C_pin |
| Usage Rules: All pins on a component must be specified. The first column |
| must contain the pin name. The second column, signal_name, |
| gives the data book name for the signal on that pin. The |
| third column, model_name, associates the I/O model for that |
| pin. Each model_name must have a [Model] keyword below, |
| unless it is a reserved model name (POWER, GND, or NC). |
| |
| Each line must contain either three or six columns. A pin |
| line with three columns only associates the pin's signal and |
| model. Six columns can be used to override the default |
| package values (specified under [Package]) FOR THAT PIN ONLY. |
| When using six columns, the headers R_pin, L_pin, and C_pin |
| must be listed. If "NA" is in columns 4 through 6, the |
| default packaging values must be used. |
| |
| Column length limits are: |
| [Pin] 5 characters max |
| model_name 20 characters max |
| signal_name 20 characters max |
| R_pin 9 characters max |
| L_pin 9 characters max |
| C_pin 9 characters max |
[Pin] signal_name model_name R_pin L_pin C_pin
1 RAS0# Buffer1 200.0m 5.0nH 2.0pF
2 RAS1# Buffer2 209.0m NA 2.5pF
3 EN1# Input1 NA 6.3nH NA
4 A0 3-state
5 D0 I/O1
6 RD# Input2 310.0m 3.0nH 2.0pF
7 WR# Input2
8 A1 I/O2
9 D1 I/O2
10 GND GND 297.0m 6.7nH 3.4pF
11 RDY# Input2
12 GND GND 270.0m 5.3nH 4.0pF
| .
| .
| .
19 NC NC
20 Vcc5 POWER 226.0m NA 1.0pF
| Keyword: [Model] |
| Required: Yes |
| Description: Used to define a model, and its attributes. |
| Sub-Params: Model_type, Polarity, Enable, Vinl, Vinh, C_comp |
| Usage Rules: Each Input, Output, I/O, 3-state, or Open-drain model must |
| begin with the keyword [Model]. The model_name must match |
| the one that is listed under the [Pin] keyword and must not |
| contain more than 20 characters. An .ibs file must contain |
| enough [Model] keywords to cover all of the model_names |
| specified under the [Pin] keyword, except for those |
| model_names which use reserved words (POWER, GND and NC). |
| Model_names with reserved words are an exception and |
| they do not have to have a corresponding [Model] keyword. |
| C_comp is allowed to use "NA" for the min and max values only. |
| Other Notes: A complete [Model] description normally contains the following |
| keywords: [Voltage range], [Pullup], [Pulldown], [GND_clamp], |
| [POWER_clamp], and [Ramp]. However, some models may have only |
| a subset these keywords. For example, an input structure |
| normally only needs the [Voltage range], [GND_clamp], and |
| possibly the [POWER_clamp] keywords. |
| Note that C_comp defines the silicon die capacitance. This |
| value should not include the capacitance of the package. |
| |
[Model] model_name
Model_type Input, Output, I/O, 3-state, Open_drain | List one only
Polarity Non-Inverting, Inverting | List one only, if any
Enable Active-High, Active-Low | List one only, if any
| Signals RAS, CAS, A(0-64), D(0-128),... | Local list, if desired
Vinl = 0.8V | input logic "low" DC voltage, if any
Vinh = 2.0V | input logic "high" DC voltage, if any
| variable typ min max
C_comp 12.0pF 10.0pF 15.0pF
| Keyword: [Voltage range] |
| Required: Yes |
| Description: Used to define the power supply voltage tolerance over which |
| the model is intended to operate. |
| Usage Rules: Actual voltages (not percentages) are to be presented in the |
| usual typ, min, max format. "NA" is allowed for the min and |
| values only. |
| Other Notes: [Voltage range] also describes the voltage range over which |
| the various V/I curves and ramp rates were derived. |
| variable typ min max
[Voltage range] 5.0V 4.5V 5.5V
| Keywords: [Pulldown], [Pullup], [GND_clamp], [POWER_clamp] |
| Required: Yes, if they exist in the device |
| Description: The data points under these keywords define the V/I curves of |
| the pulldown and pullup structures of an output buffer and the |
| V/I curves of the clamping diodes connected to the GND and the |
| POWER pins, respectively. |
| Usage Rules: In each of these sections the first column contains the |
| voltage value, and the three remaining columns hold the |
| typical, minimum, and maximum current values. The four |
| entries, Voltage, I(typ), I(min), and I(max) must be placed on |
| a single line and must be separated by at least one white |
| space or tab character. |
| All four columns are required under these keywords, however |
| data is only required in the typical column. If minimum |
| and/or maximum current values are not available, the reserved |
| word "NA" must be used. "NA" can be used for currents in the |
| typical column, but numeric values MUST be specified for the |
| first and last voltage points on any V/I curve. Each V/I |
| curve must have at least 2, but not more than 100, voltage |
| points. |
| Other Notes: It should be noted that the V/I curve of the [Pullup] and the |
| [POWER_clamp] structures are 'Vcc relative', meaning that the |
| voltage values are referenced to the Vcc pin. The voltages in |
| the data tables are derived from the equation: |
| Vtable = Vcc - Voutput |
| Therefore, for a 5V component, -5 V in the table actually |
| means 5 V above Vcc, which is +10 V with respect to ground; |
| and 10 V means 10 V below Vcc, which is -5 V with respect to |
| ground. Vcc-relative data is necessary to model a pullup |
| structure properly, since the output current of a pullup |
| structure depends on the voltage between the output and Vcc |
| pins and not the voltage between the output and ground pins. |
| Note that the [GND_clamp] V/I curve can include quiescent |
| input currents, or the currents of a 3-stated output if so |
| desired. |
| Voltage I(typ) I(min) I(max)
-5.0V -40.0m -34.0m -45.0m
-4.0V -39.0m -33.0m -43.0m
| .
| .
0.0V 0.0m 0.0m 0.0m
| .
| .
5.0V 40.0m 34.0m 45.0m
10.0V 45.0m 40.0m 49.0m
| Voltage I(typ) I(min) I(max)
-5.0V 32.0m 30.0m 35.0m
-4.0V 31.0m 29.0m 33.0m
| .
| .
0.0V 0.0m 0.0m 0.0m
| .
| .
5.0V -32.0m -30.0m -35.0m
10.0V -38.0m -35.0m -40.0m
| Voltage I(typ) I(min) I(max)
-5.0V -3900.0m -3800.0m -4000.0m
-0.7V -80.0m -75.0m -85.0m
-0.6V -22.0m -20.0m -25.0m
-0.5V -2.4m -2.0m -2.9m
-0.4V 0.0m 0.0m 0.0m
5.0V 0.0m 0.0m 0.0m
| Voltage I(typ) I(min) I(max)
-5.0V 4450.0m NA NA
-0.7V 95.0m NA NA
-0.6V 23.0m NA NA
-0.5V 2.4m NA NA
-0.4V 0.0m NA NA
0.0V 0.0m NA NA
| Keyword: [Ramp] |
| Required: Yes, except for inputs |
| Description: Used to define the rise and fall times of a buffer. |
| Sub-Params: dV/dt_r, dV/dt_f |
| Usage Rules: These parameters describe an ideal slope and can be expressed |
| as a ratio of any reasonable voltage and time values as shown |
| in the examples. The [Ramp] values are allowed to use "NA" |
| for the min and max values only. |
| variable typ min max
dV/dt_r 4.2/1.8n 3.5/2.5n 5.0/1.1n
dV/dt_f 2.5/1.5n 2.0/2.3n 3.0/0.8n
| Keyword: [End] |
| Required: Yes |
| Description: Used to define the end of the .ibs file. |
| |
| This section explains how data values are derived. The intention here is to |
| avoid over-guardbanding, enabling simulation results that are meaningful and |
| useful. This is accomplished by having each silicon vendor base their data |
| on typical process data, and then derate by voltage and temperature, and a |
| proprietary "X%" factor. This methodology also has the nice feature that |
| the data can be derived either from vendor-proprietary silicon models, or |
| typical device measurement over temperature/voltage. |
| |
| 1) V/I curves for CMOS devices: |
| typ = nominal voltage, 50 degrees C, typical process |
| min = low voltage tol, 100 degrees C, typical process, minus "X%" |
| max = hi voltage tol, 0 degrees C, typical process, plus "X%" |
| |
| V/I curves for bipolar devices: |
| typ = nominal voltage, 50 degrees C, typical process |
| min = low voltage tol, 0 degrees C, typical process, minus "X%" |
| max = hi voltage tol, 100 degrees C, typical process, plus "X%" |
| |
| where X% should be statistically determined by the silicon vendor |
| based on numerous fab lots, test chips, process controls, ... The |
| value of X need not be published in the IBIS file, and may decrease |
| over time as data on the I/O buffers and silicon process increases. |
| Temperatures are junction temperatures. |
| |
| 2) Voltage Ranges: |
| Points for each curve must span the voltages listed below: |
| |
| Curve Low Voltage High Voltage |
| ----------- ----------- ------------ |
| [Pulldown] GND - POWER POWER + POWER |
| [Pullup] GND - POWER POWER + POWER |
| [GND_clamp] GND - POWER GND + POWER |
| |
| For example, a device with a 5 V power supply voltage should be |
| characterized between (0 - 5) = -5 V and (5 + 5) = 10 V; |
| and a device with a 3.3 V power supply should be characterized |
| between (0 - 3.3) = -3.3 V and (3.3 + 3.3) = 6.6 V for the |
| pulldown curve. |
| |
| 3) Ramp Rates: |
| The ramp rates (listed in AC characteristics below) should be |
| derived by: |
| 1. Start with silicon model, remove all packaging. |
| 2. Attach 50 Ohm resistor to GND to derive rising edge ramp. |
| 3. Attach 50 Ohm resistor to POWER to derive falling edge ramp. |
| 4. Due to the resistor, output swings will not make a full |
| transition as expected. However the pertinent data can still |
| be collected as follows: |
| a) determine the 20% to 80% voltages of the 50 Ohm swing |
| b) measure this voltage change as "dv" |
| c) measure the amount of time required to make this swing "dt" |
| 5. Post the value as a ratio "dv/dt", the simulation tool vendor |
| will extrapolate this value to span the required voltage swing |
| range in the final model. |
| 6. Typ, Min, and Max must all be posted, and are derived at the |
| same extremes as the V/I curves, which are: |
| |
| Ramp times for CMOS devices: |
| typ = nominal voltage, 50 degrees C, typical process |
| min = low voltage tol, 100 degrees C, typical process, minus "Y%" |
| max = hi voltage tol, 0 degrees C, typical process, plus "Y%" |
| |
| Ramp times for bipolar devices: |
| To be determined by manufacturer. |
| |
| Note that the derate factor, "Y%", may be different than that used |
| for the V/I curve data. This factor is similar to the X% factor |
| described above. As in the case of V/I curves, temperatures are |
| junction temperatures here also. |
| |
| 7. The rise time of an open-drain device must be measured into |
| a 50 Ohm pullup resistor tied to the power pin. |
| |
| It is expected that this data will be created from silicon vendor |
| proprietary silicon-level models, and later correlated with actual device |
| measurement. |