This FAQ is a result of various ‘real life’ questions that have been received with regards to S2IBIS3. This list is, by no means, a comprehensive one and is only an effort to assemble questions and problems users face while trying to get S2IBIS3 working. Please email us if you don’t fine what you are looking for. If you are looking for S2IBIS3, you can download it here.
General IBIS questions General S2IBIS3 questions S2IBIS3 setup questions
General IBIS questions
A2. What is meant by non-monotonic ?
A3. How can we generate IBIS Ver - 4.1 models? (is there to any free tool generate Version 4.1 models?)
A4. What is the difference between IBIS ver - 3.2 and IBIS ver - 4.1 ?
I am getting parser errors related to the rising and falling waveforms like:
ERROR - Model PCI33V: The [Rising Waveform]
with [R_fixture]=50 Ohms and [V_fixture]=3.3V
has TYP column DC endpoints of 1.03V and 3.30v, but
an equivalent load applied to the model's I-V tables yields
different voltages ( 1.43V and 3.30V),
a difference of 21.08% and 0.05%, respectively.
ERROR - Model PCI33V: The [Falling Waveform]
with [R_fixture]=50 Ohms and [V_fixture]=0V
has TYP column DC endpoints of 0.00V and 2.17v, but
an equivalent load applied to the model's I-V tables yields
different voltages ( 0.53V and 2.38V),
a difference of 28.48% and 11.26%, respectively.
What could be wrong? What can I do to get rid of these errors and warnings?
General S2IBIS3 questions
B3. What is the difference between s2ibis2 & s2ibis3 ?
B5. Is there a document discussing the .s2i file content?
B7. When using s2ibis3, what is the IBIS version output file? Are there any possible compatibility issues if I take this output and attempt to link it to other files which might be IBIS 4.1?
B8. I have CYGWIN. Would I be able to run S2IBIS3 on it?
B9. Can s2ibis3 be used to generate version 2.1 IBIS data?
B10. I am wondering if s2ibis3 support linux platform?